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The visit of Eng. Essam Al-Naggar, Chairman of” GOEIC”, to GOEIC branch in Alexandria - the free zone in Amreya

Pursuant to the directives of His Excellency Eng. Ahmed Samir - Minister of Commerce and Industry, the need for the heads of the authorities to be present at the work sites to find out the problems of the public of dealers, including exporters and importers. 

Eng. Essam Al-Naggar - Chairman of the General Organization for Export and Import Control visited the GOEIC branch in Alexandria in the free zone in Amreya.

He was welcomed by Eng. Hisham Mashhour - Head of the Central Administration of GOEIC branch in Alexandria, Eng. Mina Gamal - Head of GOEIC branch in Al-Amriyah, and Eng. Ayman Abdel Aziz - Head of the Central Administration of the Free Zone in Al-Amreya. 

His Excellency held a meeting with all the employees of the branch, listening to all the proposals submitted by his working sons. The tasks assigned to them quickly and accurately, praising their prominent and tangible patriotic role and what he saw within the branch in terms of discipline, enthusiasm and patriotism from all employees.

During the visit, Eng. Essam Al-Naggar met with a group of gentlemen exporters, importers and businessmen to discuss the problems they face in reality, and he listened to all the suggestions submitted by them to facilitate the export process.

date of publication : Tue,14 Mar 2023 11:54 am
Last updated: Tue,14 Mar 2023 11:54 am
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