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The Registration of Qualified Factories and Companies

A register of factories and companies that own qualified brands for exporting products to the Arab Republic of Egypt has been established in the General Organization for Export and Import Control and such products received for the purpose of trafficking may be released only if they are produced by factories registered or imported from the owner or distribution centers registered in this Register, Registration in this register or cancellation thereof shall be issued by a decision of the Minister concerned with foreign trade, and he may exempt from any or all of the registration conditions in the cases determined by the Ministerial Decree of His Excellency

The Minister of Trade and Industry No. 195 of 2022 amending Ministerial Decree No. 43 of 2016.

  • Registration in the register shall be carried out as soon as the completed documents are submitted, provided that the person concerned submits the proof of registration within a period not exceeding fifteen days from the date.
  • In the event of doubt about the authenticity of the information provided, the registration in the register shall not be carried out until its authenticity has been verified, and at the request of the applicant for registration, the company or factory may be inspected to verify the authenticity of the documents, after the approval of the Minister concerned with foreign trade.
  • Registration documents may be submitted through the embassies and consulates of the governments of the countries concerned.
  • Documents with validity dates are renewed within a period not exceeding thirty days from the expiry date.
  • Publish what is recorded or written off monthly in the Egyptian facts and on the website of GOEIC.
  • Cancellation from the register shall be made by a reasoned decision issued by the Chairman of the General Organization for Export and Import Control in cases of loss of any of the registration conditions, and a grievance against the cancellation decision may be filed before the Grievance Committee within sixty days from the date of notifying the person concerned.
  • A committee shall be established by a decree of the Minister concerned with foreign trade, which shall consider grievances against non-registration or deletion from the register, and the grievance request shall be submitted to the Agreements and Foreign Trade Sector to be presented to the Aspirations Committee, provided that the grievance shall be decided within a period not exceeding fifteen days from the date of its submission, and the complainant shall be notified of the reasons for non-registration or cancellation and the corrective measures that must be taken by him to be re-registered.

Factories or companies that own brands or factories in Egypt Free Zones are eligible to export products contained in resolution 43/2016 and 44/2019

Ajouter des produits, Ajouter une marque, Modifier le nom de l’usine, Ajouter des usines affiliées

date of publication : Thu,03 Sep 2020 08:54 am
Last updated: Sunday, 11 June 2023 11:23 am
Content evaluation

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