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Simply enter your User name/ID and Password to use the secured eServices via the numerous channels; such as: Desktop, tablets, and smart phone.

To set up your own account, please click on 'New User' and enter the required information. For commercial users, please visit one of the GOEIC branches to create your account for commercial services. Please call the GOEIC Call Centre on 19591 to assist you in finding the nearest Service Centre in order to verify your information and complete the registration process.

New User

Create a new account and start using the portal to benefit from the provided Services

New Account
Available for non-commercial users only *
Types of Agreements
First: Agreement of the Facilitation and Development of Trade Exchange among Arab Countries:
Second: Egyptian-European Association Agreement (Protocol of Euro-Mediterranean Rules of Origin):
Third: Agadir Agreement:
Fourth: Free Trade Agreement between Egypt and the EFTA Countries:
Fifth: Free Trade Agreement between Egypt and Turkey:
Seventh: Mercosur Agreement:
Eighth: African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AFCFTA):
Ninth: Free Trade Agreement between Egypt and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
Tenth: Generalized System of Preferences (G.S.P):
Eleventh: Global System of Trade Preferences (GSTP):
date of publication : Sat,27 Jul 2024 12:15 pm
Last updated: Sat,27 Jul 2024 12:15 pm
Content evaluation

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