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To set up your own account, please click on 'New User' and enter the required information. For commercial users, please visit one of the GOEIC branches to create your account for commercial services. Please call the GOEIC Call Centre on 19591 to assist you in finding the nearest Service Centre in order to verify your information and complete the registration process.

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GOEIC Activities

GOEIC is one of the State's organs as a service and executive body for the quality control of industrial and non-industrial exports and imports, issuance of certifications of origin, and commercial registrations.

img Inspection of all imported goods

GOEIC performs all activities for the inspection of all imported goods subject to the provisions of the ionizing radiation laws and the prevention of their hazards, agriculture, import, and export referred to. In the case of imported such goods, the provisional permission system shall be limited to passing microbiological tests and Quarry pests and insect pests.

img Inspection of exported industrial goods
Inspection of exported industrial goods based on
  • Customer's Willing in accordance with ministerial decrees, standard specifications or contracting conditions, taking into account safety and quality contributions in accordance with the required terms of reference
  • Inspection of goods for which stakeholders request an optional examination.
  • Inspection (solvents - leathers - marble - water pipe tobacco).
  • Issuance of pre-shipment certificates for Egyptian exports and certificates of conformity with industrial goods and products exported abroad under agreements signed in the field of mutual recognition between Egypt and many countries.
img Supervision of inspection and control of exported and imported commodities
One of the GOEIC's main activities is to oversee the inspection and control of exported and imported goods subject to the provisions of the control rules
img Issuance of records
GOEIC issues the following records: Exporters' Register, Importers' Register, Agents' and Commercial Intermediaries' Register, Scientific,and Advisory Offices Register
img Issuance of Certification of origin and movement of exports

GOEIC issues certificates of origin and movement for exports of Egyptian origin or acquired commodities of Egyptian origin exported to the countries between them and Egypt and conclude bilateral, regional, or multilateral trade agreements under which Egypt Gets preferential transactions except as specified in any of these conventions.

img Training

The Training Center of the General Organization for Exports and Imports Control provides a full range of specialized training programs and courses in various fields that aim to upgrade the managerial and practical levels and increase the efficiency of management and human resources to keep pace with global variables and achieve excellence, success, leadership and excellence in its work.

img Laboratory inspection of commodities

GOEIC has a large network of certified laboratories covering all the ports of the Republic (sea-air-land). It also covers all fields (industrial-food-chemical). GOEIC also inspects contracting samples for imported industrial goods.

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