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Eng. Hassan El Khatib, Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade, reviewed the latest report issued by the General Organization for Export and Import Control regarding the Egyptian export indicators, as Egyptian commodity exports in 2024 amounted to about $ 40. 835 billion, compared to $ 35.773 billion in 2023, reflecting an increase by 14%.

The Minister stated that the Ministry  targets, during the coming period, increasing the Egyptian commodity exports to various regional and global markets, through implementing more reforms to financial, monetary, commercial and procedural policies, in a way that contributes to increasing the quality and competitiveness of Egyptian products in the local and foreign markets, providing facilitations to investors, facilitating Foreign Trade Movement in Egypt, and accordingly achieving the state's targets to increase Egyptian exports to about $145 billion annually.

His Excellency demonstrated that the largest markets receiving Egyptian commodity exports in 2024 included the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with a value of ($ 3.250 billion) and an increase of 18%; the United Arab Emirates, with a value of ($ 3.188 billion) and an increase of 44%; Turkey, with a value of 
($ 3.110 billion) and an increase of 10%; Italy, with a value of ($ 2. 297  billion) and an increase of 6%; and the United States of America, with a value of ($2.206 billion) and an increase of 9%.

The Minister indicated that the most important export sectors that formed the structure of Egyptian commodity exports in 2024 included building materials with value of ($10. 635 billion) and an increase of 19%; food industries with value of ($6.54 billion) and an increase of 11%; chemical products and fertilizers with value of ($8.436 billion) and an increase of 5%; agricultural products with value of ($4.635 billion) and  an increase of 17%; engineering and electronic goods with value of ($5.768 billion) and an increase of 25%; ready-made garments with a value of ($2.841 billion) and an increase of 18%; spinning and textiles with a value of ($1.131 billion) and an increase of 2%; furnishings with a value of( $617 million) and an increase of 11%; products of printing, packaging, paper, books and artistic classifications with a value of ($950 million) and an increase of 7%; medical industries with a value of ($809 million) and an increase of 29%; furniture with a value of ($308 million); handicrafts with a value of ($225 million) and an increase of 14%;  leather, shoes and leather products with a value of  ($89 million).

date of publication : Thu,16 Jan 2025 09:47 am
Last updated: Thu,16 Jan 2025 09:47 am
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