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The Chairman of the General organization for Export and Import Control participates in the Egyptian-Chinese Summit for the Supply of Petroleum and Chemical Equipment (CSSOPE Egypt 2023)

Eng. / Essam Al-Najjar chairman of GOEIC stated that the General organization for Export and Import Control has an integrated system of chemical and petroleum laboratories accredited locally and internationally.

Eng. / Al-Najjar added that GOEIC has so far more than 1,500 accredited tests locally and internationally, pointing out that the organization is seeking in its plan for this year that the approved tests in the GOEIC’s laboratories reach 2000 accredited tests.

Eng. / Essam Al-Najjar, Chairman of the General organization for Export and Import Control, said that the organization is one of the leading government agencies in the country that possesses an integrated international accreditation and laboratories system in all areas of international conformity assessment systems, through its international accreditation as an entity that grants conformity certificates for industrial products in accordance with the ISO (17065) system. and its international accreditation in laboratory competitiveness and laboratory testing and calibration

He added that this is done by strengthening the infrastructure system for product quality and protecting the Egyptian consumer, as it is a conformity assessment body and granting conformity certificates for industrial, non-food and food products in cross-border trade, as well as combating commercial fraud, as it is unique in having an unparalleled integrated system of examination laboratories. And advanced tests spread geographically throughout the Republic and inside the Egyptian ports, as well as international accreditation and recognition systems in all areas of conformity assessment procedures.

date of publication : Wed,15 Feb 2023 11:45 am
Last updated: Wed,15 Feb 2023 11:45 am
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