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GOEIC holds an electronic interactive symposium with the Export Council of Engineering Industries on "Quality Tests for Exporters"

The General Organization for Export and Import Control, chaired by Eng. Essam Al-Naggar, Chairman of GOEIC, in cooperation with the Export Council for Engineering Industries, will hold an interactive electronic symposium on the services provided by GOEIC to exporters under the title "Quality Tests for Exporters." 

The symposium included an explanation of the services provided by GOEIC to serve the exporters through industrial laboratories and chemical laboratories and their approved tests and an explanation of the services of the conformity certification unit in accordance with specifications No.17025 and 17065.


  • Members of the Export Council for Engineering Industries participated in the symposium and GOEIC participated in: -
  •          Head of Central Department of Industrial Laboratories - Eng.Ahmad Faraj.
  •         Head of Central Department of Chemical Laboratories - Dr. Sahar Al-Abed.
  •          Head of Central Department of Industrial Commodities - Eng. Sayed Mansour.
  •         Director of conformity Certificates Unit - Eng. Ahmed Alaa.


All questions from members of the Export Council for Engineering Industries have been answered and their proposals examined.

Within the framework of cooperation between the General Organization for Export and Import Control and the Export Council for Engineering Industries, the Council will organize a number of seminars that bring together representatives of GOEIC and the companies members of the Council to explain all the activities of GOEIC and how to benefit from its multiple services in order to maximize Egyptian exports in accordance with the State's strategy and reach 100 billion dollars.

date of publication : Wed,16 Nov 2022 03:28 pm
Last updated: Wed,16 Nov 2022 03:28 pm
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