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Launching the electronic payment service for fees for services provided by GOEIC

General Engineer Ismail Gaber, the chairman of GOEIC signed a co-operation protocol with a company specialized in operating financial institutions represented by its chairman and its deputy member, Mr. Ibrahim Sarhan.

Both parts agreed to provide the services through GOEIC electronic gate using the different payment methods and electronic receipt provided by the aforementioned company. The General engineer, Ismail Gaber, declared that the system of automating the payments aims to reduce the cost of cash circulation resulting into facilitating several routine procedures for the citizen besides saving time and efforts.

Also, it provides the data exchange related to GOEIC dues towards the parties involved in the electronic system like banks and national postal authority to enable GOEIC clients to pay the dues electronically through all branches of banks and post offices and different channels of collection.

date of publication : Mon,12 Jul 2021 11:20 am
Last updated: Mon,12 Jul 2021 11:20 am
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