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Eng. / Essam Al-Naggar Chairman of the General organization for Export and Import Control inaugurates the Cairo International Forum for Clothes, Fabrics and Production Supplies

Eng./ Essam Al-Naggar chairman of general organization of export and import control reveals at  the inauguration of the Cairo international forum for clothes , fabrics and production supplies those the exports of ready –made clothing achieved 2.437 billion dollars during 2023 representing  7% of  total Egyptian exports during 2023. 

He added during the Cairo International Forum for Clothes, Fabrics and Production Supplies that manufacturing production supplies with a local Egyptian component greatly supports increasing external competition as a result of providing Egyptian products at competitive prices, Pointing out that the largest trading partners in the clothing sector are countries with which we have trade agreements that facilitate the entry of products with lower customs. 

His Excellency indicated that the data is available to manufacturers in order to develop their production, and that the General organization for Export and Import Control has developed all its laboratories in order to grant accreditation certificates, and the number of tests has reached more than 3 hundred tests, and a protocol is being worked out with one of the European countries to examine imported clothes 

He revealed the assistance of Egyptian exporters in registering the Egyptian source for the Euro-Mediterranean markets; this facilitates the entry of Egyptian clothing products into the targeted markets in Europe. An integrated risk management system is being established in order to manage risks and manage markets to solve the problems of manufacturers and exporters.

Eng. / Essam Al-Naggar concluded his speech by saying that the Ministry of Trade and Industry works in an integrated manner with all its bodies to support exports and various industries, Pointing out the facilitation for importers of raw materials and production requirements, and every month we currently release 50 shipments with the documentary examination system only, in accordance with decree 284 of the Trade Ministry.

date of publication : Sun,25 Feb 2024 02:10 pm
Last updated: Sun,25 Feb 2024 02:10 pm
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