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(GOEIC) in cooperation with the Arab Union of Customs Executives, organized a workshop entitled (Requirements for issuing electronic certificates of origin within the framework of preferential trade agreements) at GOEIC headquarters at the airport

Within the framework of implementing the directives of Eng. Ahmed Samir, Minister of Trade and Industry, regarding the importance of expanding the field of export and granting privileges and facilities to exporters to reach 100 billion dollars in exports.

The General Organization for Export and Import Control, in cooperation with the Arab Union of Customs Executives, organized a workshop entitled (Requirements for issuing electronic certificates of origin within the framework of preferential trade agreements) at the headquarters of the General Organization for Export and Import Control, with the participation of a number of relevant authorities and bodies and representatives of the Federation of Industries and export councils Chambers of Commerce, where this workshop aims to raise awareness among participants about the benefits of digitizing certificates of origin, and to provide clarification to the stakeholders on the technical and procedural aspects of digitizing certificates of origin, in addition to addressing the existing challenges.

Today, the President of the General Organization for Export and Import Control, Eng. Essam Al-Naggar, met with the President of the Arab Union of Customs Executives, Dr. Mamdouh Al-Rifai, to discuss ways of joint cooperation with regard to facilitating international trade and opening economic markets. during the meeting, a number of issues were discussed, including the facilitation of inter-Arab trade. by facilitating procedures and removing obstacles, as well as the importance of Arab economic integration and opening new economic markets in Arab countries.

At the beginning of the workshop, Eng. Essam El-Naggar, Chairman of the General Organization for Export and Import Control, welcomed the attendees, as he emphasized the importance of digital transformation of the electronic certificates of origin in order to facilitate procedures for exporters and speed up entry into force of Egyptian exports to member states for preferential trade agreements. his Excellency also indicated that the workshop aims to raise awareness among the participants, both from the employees of GOEIC and all parties related to the export process.

Dr. Mamdouh Al-Rifai, President of the Arab Union of Customs Executives, indicated during his speech at the workshop that this workshop comes within the framework of fruitful and constructive cooperation between the General Organization for Export and Import Control and the Arab Union of Customs Executives to move forward towards automating the process of issuing certificates of origin, and in light of the directives the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States regarding providing the necessary technical support to Arab countries that have not issued electronic certificates of origin to move forward towards implementing this service.

During the workshop, a number of sessions were held, presented by Dr. Muhammad Abdullah, the international expert accredited by the World Customs Organization, which dealt with the legal and procedural requirements for issuing electronic certificates of origin, and identifying the best international standards and practices in the field of information technology related to the digitization of certificates of origin. He presented a number of issues similar to the procedures currently used to issue certificates of origin and future plans to digitize certificates of origin, and the challenges they face, as well as identifying pioneering experiences in some countries, both with regard to issuing and verifying electronic certificates.

The workshop (Requirements for issuing electronic certificates of origin within the framework of preferential trade agreements) aims to raise awareness among participants about the benefits of digitizing certificates of origin, and to provide clarification to the actors on the technical and procedural aspects of digitizing certificates of origin, in addition to addressing the existing challenges.

In a way that contributes to achieving the goals of A.U.C.E for which it was established, especially with regard to providing technical support to the relevant authorities and bodies in order to facilitate the movement of intra-Arab trade, to facilitate and develop trade exchange between Arab countries, and to enhance economic integration, by simplifying procedures and overcoming obstacles related to unauthorized measures. Tariffs to be a supportive factor for increasing the volume of trade exchange between them within the framework of an open market.

At the end of the workshop, the participants exchanged views on the main factors for the success of implementing the digitization of certificates of origin and how to activate them, in addition to the initiatives that can be taken at the national and regional levels, in addition to the exchange of handing over commemorative shields between the President of the Arab Union of Customs Executives and the President of the General Organization for Export and Import Control.

date of publication : Mon,29 May 2023 03:13 pm
Last updated: Mon,29 May 2023 03:13 pm
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