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(GOEIC) headed by Eng. Essam Al-Naggar signs a cooperation protocol with the Export Council for Printing, Packaging, Paper, Books and Artistic Works headed by Eng. Nadim Elias

The General Organization for Export and Import Control signed a joint cooperation protocol with the Export Council for Printing, Packaging, Paper, Books and Artistic Works, through cooperation and coordination with the Trade Development and Export Development Project in Egypt funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID TRADE), with the aim of cooperation between the two parties in the field of Chemical analyzes in GOEIC laboratories and the exchange of information and data, and this step is a contribution to supporting the printing and packaging sector to facilitate the completion of procedures for companies affiliated with the sector.

Within the framework of the Ministry of Trade and Industry’s keenness to improve the system of services provided to the exporters and importers community through commitment to implementing the latest systems and rules followed in a way that contributes to facilitating the movement of trade between Egypt and the countries of the world, and in implementation of the directives of Eng. Ahmed Samir, Minister of Trade and Industry, to achieve more communication between the Ministry’s agencies and the business community With the aim of upgrading the Egyptian industry and increasing export rates.

The General Organization for Exports and Imports Control also held a training program on "the most important services provided by the General Organization for Exports and Imports Control to the printing, packaging, paper, books and artistic works sector, and the laws and technical procedures regulated by them" at the central laboratories building in GOEIC branch in Dekheila Port, "in the presence of 9 companies representatives ,It is affiliated to the Export Council for Printing and Packaging, including Art Link Company, the Arab African Company, Sky Plast Company, Sobhi Chairs Manufacturing Company, Deepak Company, Al-Ahram Company, Bernasos Company, Egital Inks Company, and Intersat Company. The program aims to shed light mainly on the pivotal role played by the General Organization for Exports and Imports Control in supporting Egyptian exports to reach 100 billion dollars in exports and the extent of GOEIC keenness to constantly communicate with the exporters and importers community to inform them of the latest services provided by GOEIC in a way that contributes to opening new export markets for Egyptian products in various international markets. 

The program also included a review of the laws, decisions and technical procedures regulating the examination and testing of paper and cardboard products, the technical specifications and the procedures used to evaluate packaging, as well as identifying the system of industrial and chemical laboratories owned by the General Organization for Export and Import Control and its role in examining the production requirements and inputs received for the industry to ensure their conformity with Egyptian and international specifications. and work to speed up its release in support of the Egyptian industry, while reviewing the prominent role played by GOEIC Product Conformity Certification Unit and identifying the most prominent services provided by the unit.

Eng. Essam El-Naggar, Chairman of the General Organization for Export and Import Control, said that GOEIC plays a pivotal and effective role in supporting the state's efforts to serve Egyptian trade and industry, by strengthening the infrastructure system for product quality, as well as combating internal commercial fraud and protecting the Egyptian consumer, as it is a conformity assessment and certification body. Conformity to industrial, non-food, food and chemical products in cross-border trade movement. It also helps companies achieve sustainability, adopt their products in foreign markets, and facilitate procedures for all sectors in general, and the printing and packaging sector in particular, as packaging is the title of exported products, as it is an influential sector in all sectors. Other economic and export sectors.

Rashid Banglon, Director of the Trade Development and Export Development Project in Egypt funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), expressed his pride in this strategic partnership and cooperation protocol between the General Organization for Export and Import Control and the Export Council for Printing, Packaging, Paper, Books and Artistic Works, which aims to increasing and promoting Egyptian exports by providing export opportunities for small and medium-sized companies, supporting them with knowledge, raising export awareness, supporting companies to strengthen their fundamentals, increase the competitiveness of their products, and provide everything that qualifies them to access global markets within the framework of the state's current economic orientation, and its plans to increase the international market share and support the society business in penetrating international markets significantly, In the framework of implementing these objectives, the project, in cooperation with the General Organization for Export and Import Control, launched a series of training programs aimed primarily at supporting the export sector in Egypt, accessing Egyptian products to international markets, and working to improve the quality and image of Egyptian products in international markets. Eng. Nadim Elias, Chairman of the Export Council for Printing, Packaging, Paper, Books and Artistic Works, extended her thanks and appreciation to the General Organization for Export and Import Control and those in charge of the Trade and Export Development Project in Egypt, as the export control laboratories, with their technical expertise, serve exporters and the movement of foreign trade, explaining that according to The cooperation protocol signed between GOEIC and the Council and a service for the exporters. It was agreed to reduce the price of laboratory tests by 25% for all countries and a 50% reduction for the exporters to the countries of the African continent, in line with the vision of the state in opening promising export markets to contribute to accelerating the process of releasing production requirements and also helps in competitiveness The Egyptian product in foreign markets.

Eng. Essam Al-Naggar explained that GOEIC is unique in having an unparalleled integrated system of advanced examination and testing laboratories spread geographically throughout the Republic and inside Egyptian ports, and it is one of the leading government agencies in the country that possesses an integrated international laboratory and accreditation system in all areas of international conformity assessment systems, and that is through its international accreditation as an Organization granting certificates of conformity to industrial products according to the quality system (ISO 17065) and its international accreditation in the competitiveness of laboratories and conducting laboratory tests and calibration according to the quality system (ISO 17025) for nearly (2000) testing fields in (300) advanced laboratories in GOEIC branches spread all over Republic, as well as its international accreditation as an internationally accredited examination and inspection body in accordance with the quality system (ISO 17020), as well as the quality management system according to the quality system (ISO 9001).

GOEIC has established a unit for issuing conformity certificates for products, which is an internationally accredited and registered unit according to the quality system (ISO 17025), working to increase the competitiveness of Egyptian industry products for export to global markets.

The General Organization for Exports and Imports Control is one of the first government agencies to be registered among the global conformity assessment bodies accepted by the Saudi “Saber” program with the approval of the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization, which contributes to the speedy issuance of conformity certificates and analysis results. GOEIC is also characterized by competitive prices compared to the private sector companies working in this field, with the aim of facilitating the procedures for registering the certificates of conformity required electronically for imported or locally manufactured products to enter the Saudi market and reduce the time required for the release of products by Saudi customs.

Thus, the General Organization for Export and Import Control is registered with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as an acceptable conformity assessment body that grants certificates of conformity (Pcoc) and certificates of consignment (Scoc) for the following products: textile products, shoes and their accessories, leather products, biodegradable plastic products, paper and cardboard, detergents, and tools and devices used in Kitchen and electric batteries.

The prominent role played by the unit for issuing certificates of conformity for products and the advantages of registration in the unit for issuing certificates of conformity for products, as well as the Saudi technical regulations approved by the unit for issuing certificates of conformity in the General Organization for Export and Import Control, related to packaging industries, were also reviewed.

At the end of the meeting, Eng.Essam Al-Naggar, Chairman of the General Organization for Exports and Imports Control, accompanied the attendees on a tour inside the laboratories specialized in printing and packaging industries in the laboratories building in GOEIC branch in Dekheila Port. The polymers laboratory (plastics, biodegradable plastics, paper and cardboard testing laboratories, and food contact testing laboratories, with the aim of identifying the latest testing, calibration and approved testing devices through a tour of the industrial and chemical laboratories owned by GOEIC in fields related to the printing and packaging sector, paper, books and artistic works.

date of publication : Thu,25 May 2023 09:52 pm
Last updated: Thu,25 May 2023 09:52 pm
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