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Starting the implementation of the Korean Knowledge Exchange Program (KSP Program) for the establishment and development of the integrated risk management system for GOEIC in conformity assessment and examination procedures for industrial commodities in the cross-border trade movement

This is through a fully funded grant provided by the Korean government, during which programs of technical consultancy, capacity building and knowledge exchange are provided with the aim of transferring Korean expertise in this field.

The delegation of the Korean delegation held the inaugural seminar and signed the memorandum of understanding for the project at GOEIC main headquarters at the airport, where Mr. Eng. Essam Al-Naggar, Chairman of GOEIC signed the memorandum of understanding for the project on behalf of GOEIC and Mr. Moo-Kyung Jung, Senior Advisor to the Korean Export-Import Bank representative of the Korean project

In the presence of:

Mr. Byungsun Choi - The Consul General of the Korean Embassy in Cairo and those accompanying him,

Mr. Sukho Lee - Commercial Counselor, Head of the Commercial Attaché at the Korean Embassy and his accompanying persons.

And in the presence of the delegation of the Korean project, consisting of a group of technical experts, officials of the donor, and representatives of the Ministry of International Cooperation.

In the presence of the Director of Development Projects, a member of the Risk Management Unit at the Authority, and the project coordinator with the Korean side.

General Manager of Information Technology and Head of GOEIC Risk Management Unit.

It is worth noting that GOEIC has submitted the aforementioned project proposal through the announcement directed by the Ministry of International Cooperation to all government agencies, within the framework of GOEIC endeavor to modernize and develop its system of control procedures for assessing the conformity of imported and exported goods in the movement of foreign trade across borders based on the application of an integrated system for risk management that includes to tighten control over the conformity of products traded in the internal market with the aim of implementing the requirements of the comprehensive strategic plan of the state and the directives of the President of the Republic in the governance of ports and to accelerate, simplify and reduce the cost in the procedures for evaluating conformity in ports for goods with tightening control over the circulation, import and export of inferior goods and in implementation of Egypt's international obligations signed in this field (WTO-TFA Trade Facilitation Agreement, Article 7.4 concerning the application of integrated risk management systems in cross-border trade.)



date of publication : Thu,23 Mar 2023 01:00 pm
Last updated: Thu,23 Mar 2023 01:00 pm
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