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The General organization for Export and Import Control holds a meeting with officials from the Russian Export Development Authority and some companies

Eng. / Essam Al-Najjar, Chairman of the General organization for Export and Import Control, received a delegation from the Russian government, accompanied by a number of companies, to discuss ways of cooperation between the two countries and to increase trade exchange between them.

The delegation represents the Russian Export Development Authority and companies operating in the fields of medical equipment, grains, food products and agricultural equipment and The delegation is discussing ways to support trade and economic cooperation between the two countries, especially with the Russian side's interest in supporting Russian exports to the Egyptian side in these fields, in conjunction with the country's move towards replacing European imports with Egyptian ones.

The Russian delegation presented a presentation on the most important export sectors that it is interested in exporting to the Arab Republic of Egypt. These sectors are limited to (grains and food products - greenhouses and fertilizers - commercial trucks - medical equipment). The delegation also explained the most important importing countries for these products.

The Chairman of GOEIC welcomed the Russian delegation, where he explained that a meeting of the Egyptian-Russian Joint Trade Committee, which is chaired by the ministers of the two countries, is scheduled to be held next week, as he affirmed that this meeting will support and facilitate trade between the two countries in a more effective way.

The Chairman of GOEIC explained that the products of medical equipment, grains, and agricultural greenhouses are within the framework of the organization's work, as he explained that medical equipment is electrically examined by the organization, and that cosmetics companies wishing to export to the Arab Republic of Egypt must be registered by Ministerial Resolution No. 43/2016, noting that all Russian companies The applicant for registration under Ministerial Resolution No. 43 has been registered

As for the field of grains, the organization is responsible for giving import approvals in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Quarantine and the Food Safety Authority. Moreover, GOEIC examines tools and ventilation devices in greenhouses.

At the end of the meeting, the Russian delegation thanked the Chairman of the organization for his interest, support and guidance to the Russian companies accompanying the delegation, wishing him further success.

date of publication : Thu,16 Mar 2023 12:10 pm
Last updated: Thu,16 Mar 2023 12:10 pm
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