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The visit of Eng. Essam Al-Naggar, Chairman of GOEIC, to the Sidi Kerir Petrochemical Company

Within the framework of cooperation and coordination between the General Organization for Export and Import Control and private sector companies, and to meet the requirements of the Egyptian market to help export and reach the state’s $100 billion plan for Egyptian exports.

Eng. Mohamed Ibrahim - Chairman and Managing Director of Sidi Kerir Petrochemical Company, welcomed Eng. Essam El Naggar - Chairman of the General Organization for Export and Import Control at the company's headquarters in Alexandria. 

Where Eng. Mohamed Ibrahim reviewed the extent of development witnessed by the company in the field of petrochemicals and biodegradable materials, praising the role of GOEIC in supporting Egyptian exports, especially since the company was one of the first companies to be registered in the Export system approved by GOEIC in the field of petrochemicals. 

Eng. Essam Al-Naggar - Chairman of the General Organization for Exports and Imports Control, reviewed GOEIC accredited laboratories, especially in the field of inks, paints, plastics, polymers and biodegradable plastics, and the most recent laboratory that GOEIC is currently working on, which is the biodegradation test laboratory, where carbon emissions from various products are one of the third scope factors. In calculating the carbon footprint from cradle to grave, accordingly, the Commission works, in cooperation with the US Agency, to establish a laboratory to measure the biodegradation of various products according to international specifications:

1- OECD TG310

2- OECD TG311 

Which will have a positive impact on the reputation of the national industry and therefore Egyptian exports, and a very important impact on reducing emissions and supporting a clean economy. This laboratory specializes in measuring carbon dioxide emissions from various products through aerobic and anaerobic hydrolysis.

At the end of the meeting, Eng. Essam Al-Naggar stressed the keenness of the General Organization for Export and Import Control to overcome all obstacles to support manufacturers and provide full support to the exporters community and the role of the General Organization for Export and Import Control, which represents a major axis within the strategy of the Ministry of Trade and Industry aimed at promoting and developing foreign trade and achieving the objectives of the plan of The Ministry which aims to reach the value of exports to 100 billion dollars annually, in implementation of the state's plan and economic policy, which is directed towards encouraging and supporting the local industry in order to reduce the volume of imports and save foreign currency.

date of publication : Tue,14 Mar 2023 12:02 pm
Last updated: Tue,14 Mar 2023 12:02 pm
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