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President El-Sisi witnesses the launching activities of the Economic Conference Egypt 2022 under the title "Road Map for a More Competitive Economy", with the participation of ministers and heads of bodies and a wide participation of senior economists and experts

This morning, the activities of the “Economic Conference - Egypt 2022"A Road Map for a More Competitive Economy” started in the New Administrative Capital, which is organized by the government, commissioned by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, over a period of three days; To discuss many economic issues and files related to the conditions and future of the Egyptian economy, in the presence of a number of ministers, officials and representatives of government agencies, and a wide participation of senior economists, thinkers, and experts

At the beginning of the activities of the first day of the conference, and during the opening session, Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, gave a presentation under the title (The Egyptian Economy in Forty Years. What Next?) He began with a speech in which he explained that this conference comes in the midst of a global crisis, which it has not witnessed. The countries of the world since World War II 80 years ago, noting that the observer of current global developments sees that all governments of developed and economically powerful countries, as well as emerging countries, are struggling to survive and ensure the stability of their countries, and Egypt is not immune from these circumstances, as it was classified as one of the By all international institutions as one of the countries that were most affected by this major global crisis

The Prime Minister pointed out that based on the political leadership’s realization of the importance of putting together a road map for the future of the Egyptian economy, with the participation of experts, specialists, the business community and political parties, the President assigned the government to organize this conference to discuss the conditions and future of the Egyptian economy, and to come up with a map A clear path for this economy during the coming period, noting that this map must include two parts: the first is to recover from the short-term global crisis, and the second is to formulate solutions to some of our chronic problems that require action in the medium and long term.

Dr. Mostafa Madbouly indicated that the government, since the beginning of the crisis and before its occurrence, is keen to follow up on what is written about Egypt at home and abroad, as well as monitoring all social networking sites, with the aim of getting to know the Egyptians’ views, and listening to the views of experts through talk shows, pointing to the Some of these opinions turned out to be not based on accurate knowledge of the reality and conditions of the Egyptian economy, and are not based on the real numbers that reflect the reality of this economy, so that it is reported on social networking sites that Egypt, for example, is facing the worst crisis it may go through, while monitoring the fear of young people and citizens out of concern From their side on their country.

The Prime Minister pointed out that for this reason, the government was keen, during this opening session, to present an analysis and extrapolation of the situation of the Egyptian economy over the past forty years, realizing, on its part, that in order to move with a roadmap towards the future, it is important to know how we were? And where are we now? To build solutions for the future based on a real database, a reality we know, and challenge that we all agree on.

The Prime Minister added that by observing the past 40 years, we found that this economic conference, which His Excellency President Sisi called for, is the fourth economic conference over those years, pointing out that it is necessary to analyze the outcomes of these economic conferences, to dissect the situation of the Egyptian economy, and to know where we have come after each A conference, in order to ensure that we come out of the current conference with realistic recommendations, which we all trust are feasible.

Madbouly stressed the importance of analyzing the outcomes of two of the four conferences, as they are very important to Egypt, the first being the “Great Economic Conference” in 1982, and the second, the “Egypt Future Conference” in 2015, noting that the secret of choosing these two conferences is that both were held while Egypt was in the midst of Very exceptional circumstances, in the 1982 conference, Egypt was witnessing the post-war periods and the October victory, while the Egyptian state was facing an economy burdened with enormous problems in this period, as certain economic trends occurred, foremost of which was the policy of economic openness, and some political crises that ended with the assassination of the President The late Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat and the late President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak took charge.

He added that with regard to the 2015 conference, the state had just ended very violent political crises over the years from 2011 to 2013, with a wave of terrorism that Egypt had not witnessed before, and the state at this time had begun the first steps of political stability, That is why President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi invited this conference to discuss the conditions of the Egyptian economy and how we can grow in it.

date of publication : Sun,23 Oct 2022 07:20 pm
Last updated: Sun,23 Oct 2022 07:20 pm
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