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Inspection of more than (4 Million Tons) at GOEIC Labs during July 2019

GOEIC performance indicators explained that the industrial labs inspected (14891) industrial shipment with total weight (1.153.284 Tons) during July 2019. (14788) shipments of them were accepted with total weight (1.152.778 Tons) where the most important accepted items: (cars spare parts – cloths – tableware), while (103) industrial shipments were rejected with total weight (506 Tons) where the most important rejected items: (bags, wallets and shoes – filters – electric tools).

As for the Food Labs, GOEIC inspected (7963) food shipments with total weight (3.343.000 Tons) during the same period of time. (7690) shipments of them were accepted with total weight (3.323.905 Tons) where the most important accepted items: (grains – meat – fish- vegetarian oil and fats), while (273) shipments were rejected with total weight (19.095 Tons) where the most important rejected items: (roasted coffee - fenugreek - feeds - frozen liver, kidney and hearts – black tea – biscuits – ice tea - peanut butter – concentrated apple and orange juice – sardines – mayonnaise – castor oil - 'haring' fish – apple vinegar  –Fertilizers – natural butter – food colours – fresh apple – pineapple slices– tuna - cocoa and hazelnut cream – coriander – turmeric - black pepper - taste additives)

date of publication : Tue,03 Sep 2019 12:14 pm
Last updated: Tue,03 Sep 2019 12:14 pm
Content evaluation

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