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At the conference of the Federation of Industries, Eng./ Essam Al-Naggar announces the completion of the establishment of the measure carbon emissions laboratory for biodegradation of various products according to the international specifications and Its positive impact on Egyptian exports and supporting the clean economy

Eng./ Essam Al-Naggar, chairman of the general organization of Export and Import Control revealed the completion of establishing of the measure carbon emissions laboratory for the biodegradation of various products in accordance with international specifications, in cooperation with one of the donor agencies, pointing out that the equipment for the laboratory is currently being supplied and which will have a positive impact on the reputation of the national industry and thus Egyptian exports, and a very important impact in reducing emissions and supporting a clean economy.

He explained during the Symposium activities which organized by the Union to follow up on developments related to the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) that the(Verification and Certification of Greenhouse Gas Reports) unit was formed in accordance with the global international standard, which contributes to supporting Egyptian exports , increasing their competitiveness in global markets, conforming to standard specifications, and to facilitating the movement of trade between Egypt and the countries of the world.

He pointed out that the Ministry of Trade and Industry and all its affiliated agencies are working on a mechanism to facilitate industrial sectors compliance with the carbon mechanism, noting that a meeting was also held with the Small and Medium Enterprises Authority in order to transfer knowledge and how that sector is compatible with the new requirements.

date of publication : Wed,14 Feb 2024 11:36 am
Last updated: Wed,14 Feb 2024 11:36 am
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