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Chairman of the General Organization for Export and Import Control on a visit to Kandil Steel industries

In view of the fruitful cooperation between government agencies and the private sector and the support of Egyptian distinguished industries, and following the directives of the Minister of Trade and Industry, Eng. Ahmed Samir, a delegation of engineers of the General Organization for Export and Import Control headed by Eng. Essam Al-Naggar, Chairman of the Qandil Factories Eng. Amr Kandil, who expressed his great pleasure for such cooperation.

Eng. Amr Kandil, Chairman of the Company, reviewed the extent of the Company's development in many fields, which is one of the most important of all steel and saj and the extent of the development in the fields of inspection in factories, especially as it is one of the leading factories in this field for more than one hundred and fifty years in the iron and steel manufacturing.

 Eng. Essam Al-Naggar, Chairman of the General Organization for Export and Import Control, praised the advanced capabilities and modern applications used within Kandil industries through which fruitful cooperation can be achieved between the General Organization for Export and Import Control and Kandil industries.

This visit was aimed at examining ways of cooperating productively and exchanging experiences between the General Organization for Export and Import Control and the private sector in order to maximize Egyptian exports in accordance with the State's strategy and reach 100 billion dollars.

date of publication : Wed,23 Nov 2022 02:31 pm
Last updated: Wed,23 Nov 2022 02:31 pm
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