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Eng./ Essam Al-Najjar received the members of the brotherly Tunisian delegation and the representatives of the Egyptian authorities participating in the technical committee in the field of mutual recognition of certificates of conformity for goods

Eng. Essam El-Najjar, Chairman of the General organization for Export and Import Control, received the members of the brotherly Tunisian delegation, and the representatives of the Egyptian authorities participating in the technical committee in the field of mutual recognition of conformity certificates for non-food industrial commodities.

His Excellency welcomed the brotherly Tunisian delegation and the attendees, and affirmed his keenness to reduce procedures and remove obstacles to the actual implementation of the memorandum of understanding for the benefit of dealers in the two countries.

Also, Dr. Khaled Soufi, Chairman of the General Organization for Standardization and Quality, welcomed the members of the Tunisian delegation and worked on starting the actual implementation of the memorandum of understanding signed between the two sides.

This visit comes within the framework of strengthening the existing cooperation between the brothers in both the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Republic of Tunisia and in pursuit of the two sides to develop and modernize the  technical cooperation and facilitate the movement of trade exchange between the two brotherly countries and the effective flow of goods and products between the two countries and in implementation of the memorandum of understanding in the field of mutual recognition of conformity certificates between the Republic of Arab Egypt and the Republic of Tunisia signed in Tunisia on 10 March 2022 and entered into force on 1 January 2017, which aims to overcome all obstacles to the flow of goods and products between the two countries, according to procedures and approaches that guarantee integrity and mutual trust.


date of publication : Tue,22 Nov 2022 10:25 am
Last updated: Tue,22 Nov 2022 10:25 am
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