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General Organization Of Export And Import Control holds a meeting with the Japanese business delegation IN CAIRO

In the frame work of GOEIC's caution to remove all obstacles which hurdle the trade movement towards the business community and to facilitate the foreign trade movement, Engineer/Essam ElNagar the chairman of GOEIC received Mrs. /Tomo Akeda chairman of ceramica Cleopatra Company in Japan and member of the Egyptian Japanese business council and the accompanying delegation.

They discussed the facilities provided from GOEIC to the business community of the exporters in Japan, and also Engineer/ Essam El-Nagar, the chairman of GOEIC responded to the inquiries of the delegation regarding the quality certificates required when renewing the position of the company registered in each of the two ministerial decrees numbered 43/2016 and the virtual scan according to article no. 94 from the import and export list numbered 770/2005.

The chairman of GOEIC pointed out the necessity of periodical review from the registered companies to their status through the web site of GOEIC that shows clearly the status of these registered companies and to what extent they satisfy the requirements of the ministerial decree numbered 43 /2016 in three languages Arabic, English and French.

Also, he emphasized on the advantages of registration at the visual inspection list at GOEIC and its effect on accelerating the release of imported consignments where visual inspection for the imported consignments of these registered companies are considered sufficient from GOEIC perspective according to this system; besides, the need for getting pre-shipment inspection certificates with each consignment exported to Egypt is no longer required.

At the end of the meeting, the chairman of GOEIC expressed his pleasure to the delegation and asserted that GOEIC is always ready to provide its full support to the business community.

date of publication : Mon,31 Jan 2022 11:56 am
Last updated: Mon,31 Jan 2022 11:56 am
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