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Laboratories for the inspection of chemicals, refractory and building materials

To test children's toys, cutting and rotary grinding stones, razor blades, flat glass, safety matches, rebar, drinking tools.

معمل إختبارات أمان لعب الاطفال

Baby Toys Safety Testing Lab

The laboratory is accredited by the National Accreditation Council (IJAC) according to the requirements of the International standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in the field of children's play safety tests.

معمل إختبارات أحجار القطع والجلخ الدوارةمعمل إختبارات القواطع الكهربائية

Rotary cutting and abrasive stone testing laboratory

The laboratory is accredited by the National Accreditation Council (IJAC) according to the requirements of the International standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in the field of safety test (blasting speed test) for grinding stones of threaded abrasive materials.


معمل التحليل الطيفي

Spectral Analysis Lab


معمل إختبارات الميتالورجي

Laboratory tests Metallurgical


معمل إختبارات الزجاج

Glass Testing Laboratory

Cairo Airport Labs.

 معمل إختبارات ثقاب الأمان

Safety Match test Lab

Cairo Airport Labs.

معمل إختبارات مواد البناء

Building Materials Testing Laboratory

Cairo Airport Labs.
معمل إختبارات أدوات الاستخدام والعناية بالطفل

Laboratory for use and baby care tools testing

Cairo Airport Labs.

date of publication : Wed,04 Oct 2017 01:40 pm
Last updated: Wed,04 Oct 2017 01:40 pm
Content evaluation

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