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Laboratories for the inspection of spare parts for vehicles and equipment

For testing of auxiliary items, fuel filters, oil filters, air purifiers, pogehat, fetches, alloys, Halalat, crankshaft, Albasmat, shawls, Rolman wear, shinneedles, gears, Brake.


فحصمعمل إختبارات البطاريات

Vehicle Shock absorber Testing laboratory

The laboratory is accredited by the National Accreditation Council (IJAC) according to the requirements of the International standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in the field of vehicle shock absorber tests.

معمل إختبارات القواطع الكهربائية

Fuel Filter Testing Lab

The factory is accredited by the National Accreditation Council (IJAC) according to the requirements of the International standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in the field of fuel filter tests.

معمل إختبارات القوابس والمقابس والمفاتيح الكهربائية

Oil Filter Testing Lab

The factory is accredited by the National Accreditation Council (Iak) according to the requirements of the International standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in the field of static explosive pressure tests and the characteristics of low pressure with the rate of transmission of full oil filters.

معمل الإختبارات الضوئية والفوتومترية

Air Purifier Testing Lab

Cairo Airport Labs. 

إصدار شهادات المنشأ و المرور للصادرات

Automotive Electrical Parts Testing Lab

The factory is accredited by the National Accreditation Council (IJAC) according to the requirements of the International standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in the field of flame candles tests.

فحص جميع السلع المستوردة

Laboratory of the collection Tests and alloys

Cairo Airport Labs.

طباعة الأبحاث والكتب والنشرات الدورية

Lab testing of steering and suspension systems

Cairo Airport Labs.
فحص السلع

Umrah Kits Testing Lab

Cairo Airport Labs.

فحص جميع السلع المستوردة

Rolman test Lab Wear

Cairo Airport Labs.
فحص جميع السلع المصدرة

Laboratory and Gears tests

Cairo Airport Labs.
الإشراف على فحص ورقابة السلع المصدرة والمستوردة

Laboratory of friction materials tests

Cairo Airport Labs.
إصدار السجلات

Laboratory tests The tires Rims

The factory is accredited by the National Accreditation Council (IAQ) according to the requirements of the International standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017

إصدار شهادات المنشأ و المرور للصادرات

Vehicle Alarm Testing Laboratory

Cairo Airport Labs.



date of publication : Wed,04 Oct 2017 01:40 pm
Last updated: Wed,04 Oct 2017 01:40 pm
Content evaluation

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