Service description
This service enables government agencies (Customs Authority) to verify the lot through examination and inspection of the documents and their conformity with the rules of origin of the received agreement, then granting the appropriate visa based on the opinion of the committee formed by GOEIC.
Place of Service
Branches of the GOEIC at Ports, Airports and Customs points.
Required documents
· Customs Formalities Certificate of the incoming lot, including the transmission of the lot from the Customs in accordance with the resolution No.597 of 2002, indicating the reasons for the uncertainties and the contents of the doubt lot documents (certificate of origin - invoice - bill of lading - any other shipping documents).
Procedures of Service
1. The certificate of formalities, and its documents of the received lot to the GOEIC from Customs Authority, shall be forwarded explaining the reason for the questioning of the customs and forming a joint committee of origin and imports in the branch to which the lot documents are referred.
2. Documents are checked and conformed to the lot on the ground inside the Customs Department.
3. The documents and their conformity with the agreement rules of origin shall be inspected and examined.
4. The appropriate visa is granted based on the opinion of the committee formed in the branch. In case of rejection of agreement application by the committee in the GOEIC branches, the documents shall be forwarded to the General Department of Agreements for examination, expressing opinions and taking the necessary action.
Duration of Service
Duration of the service depends on the type of uncertainty referred by customs
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date of publication :
Wed,08 Mar 2017 01:10 pm
Last updated:
Sun,18 Jun 2023 01:41 pm